About Us

We are three brothers and a cousin. 


A little about each of us:

Brandon Klein grew up in England and studied Film and Economics at Middlebury College in Vermont. An entrepreneur from an early age, Brandon started an online natural health company and grew it to be the largest in Europe. After several years working with Fortune 500 companies on Wall Street, Brandon gave it all up to be an independent filmmaker. He often wonders how his brothers duped him into traveling across Africa on $10 dollars a day.

Nicholas Klein grew up in England and studied Philosophy, Religion and Ethics at the University of London. Nicholas was a child actor in a Gerry Anderson’s sci-fi series ‘Space Precinct’ and it was this experience that got him interested in film. He made his first documentary at the age of 16 about the aggressive skating scene in London (Crown Jewels), which went on to be one of the UK’s most successful action sports films. Nicholas is currently developing a documentary about the lives of the Saints.

Daniel Klein grew up in England and majored in Political Movements at NYU. An activist from an early age, Daniel has been involved in a number of human rights and social justice causes around the world. As well as being a filmmaker and activist, Daniel is a chef at a prestigious New York City restaurant.

Tim Klein grew up in Minneapolis, Minnesota and traveled around Africa after graduating from high school.  At the University of Minnesota, Tim studied communications and African history.  Travel and study led to dissatisfaction in the U.S. media portrayal of Africa; this inspired him to make a film about the complexities of development in Africa.  Following the completion of the film, Tim organized and led discussions at close to 100 screenings of What are we doing here?  Tim is currently teaching as an Adjunct Professor at LSU's Manship School of Mass Communication.  He is researching a film on the role of foreign correspondents and media portrayals of Ethiopia and will be teaching at Addis Ababa University School of Journalism in the spring.   Tim can be reached at tim@kleinpictures.com




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